Common Golf Injuries

Titleist® Performance Institute- TPI
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Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is a general term for pain/discomfort/tightness at the inside of the elbow. This is not a very specific diagnosis. “Golfer’s elbow” can be caused by any one of the muscles of the medial(palm side) of the forearm.

As with most injuries to the musculoskeletal system this pain syndrome can be caused by muscle, nerve, ligament or tendon. This area is especially complicated by the fact that muscles from the area of the biceps are crossing the elbow joint.

It is very important to get lasting results with this type of injury to work with someone who knows exactly how the tissues are supposed to function and to get a very specific diagnosis. Active Release providers have this knowledge and will assist you to better understand your injury and how to resolve it quickly and efficiently.

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement is when the muscles of the shoulder are not functioning properly due to either trauma or repetitive injury. One of the most common impingement syndromes is the impingement of the supraspinatus tendon.

This situation occurs when there head of the the humerus(arm bone) does not sit down and back in the shoulder joint. Thus it sits higher in the joint than normal. This normally does not effect resting position, however whent he arm is abducted(brought out to the side) the head of the humerus will pinch the supraspinatus tendon against the Acromio-claviclar joint.

Active Release is effect for treating this type of injury as it can be used to address improper functioning of the other rotator cuff muscle that have allowed the humerus to sit in an awkward position creating the impingement syndrome.

If you have more specific questions please call or email 613.235.5433.