
Active Release Technique is a highly specialized manual therapy that is provided by certified practitioners. This technique is specifically used to identify and treat very specific areas of muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons.

Basically, every ART treatment pass on the tissue is used to diagnose and treat the damaged tissue. The doctor can then reassess, adjust the treatment and make another pass. This allows for the most specific treatment to be applied in the shortest amount of time. Another very important part of ART treatments are that they are done actively. This means that the client is going through as much of the natural range of motion of that body part during the treatment.

This is important for many reasons, first is to restore as much of the normal pain-free range of motion as possible. Second is to re-groove the normal movement pattern as possible. Third wold be to return the normal resting tension of the muscle so it can properly heal. This website has been organized so you can first select the region of the body where the injury is located. Then you can choose the specific injury that needs to be treated.

We hope you enjoy learning how ART can be used to quickly restore the body to a stronger, faster more flexible state!